
Inspired by one of the oldest works of art known to civilization, the Odyssey series is named after the epic tale of King Odysseus’ journey through the seven seas. For many years, people have been using tiles as a material for construction, unlike an element of art and culture. The Odyssey Series instantly brings a change in that perception. With the Baroque-inspired tiles series in vivid colors and realistic effects, the series is a statement of excellence in taste, a breakthrough in the world of tiles. Whether it would be a kitchen counter or a stylish balcony, a backsplash or an accent wall, an artsy cafe, or a grand lobby, the tiles series has the appeal to make it fresh, meaningful, and unique. With the help of our European consultants and technology, we are thriving through the world of tiles to bring the freshness you deserve. Experience the harmony we offer, by taking the challenge to think outside the box and using the Odyssey Series in your upcoming projects.

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